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Intentional Living

The Podcast

#258 Communication That Connects

Communication can be the source of our greatest connections to other people, or it can be the source of some of our greatest disconnections to other people.  When communication is not...

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#257 Other Peopleā€™s Agency

Have you ever said something like, 'I just wish I could take their agency away and make them do what I know is best for them!'?  I think probably most of us have at some point, especially if...

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#256 Advocating for Yourself with Samantha Nielsen

Learning to advocate for ourselves is a skill that many of us haven't acquired yet, and until we do, we will struggle with self-respect and with having the equal relationships that we desire....

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#255 What Is Gaslighting?

Gaslighting is a term that has really gained some traction in the past 12 years, and some of us may still be a little sketchy on what exactly it means. In today's podcast, I reference two articles...

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#254 When You Feel Resentment

All of us have felt resentment at one time or another.  Resentment is one of those emotions that we call 'indulgent emotions' because it may feel good and justified, and even feel like it's...

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#253 How To Get Motivated

Do you ever struggle with motivation?  I think it's just part of the human condition to have to figure out how to get things done.  And although there are a lot of quick tricks and tips...

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#252 How to Courage Up in the Face of Fear

All of us have fear in our lives, it's part of being a human.  If we let it, this fear will hold us back from experiencing life to its fullest and growing into the person we have the capacity...

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#251 Contention is a Choice

What if we could learn how to keep out of contention more often and instead create greater connection? Contention really is a choice, and so is connection.  Learning to set aside our...

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#250 Being a Victim

It can be so easy to allow ourselves to slip into victim thinking.  Being able to recognize when we get there and understand how to move ourselves out of it is a powerful tool that puts us...

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#249 Finding Rest

In our lives that are often filled with so much stuff and stress and busyness, it can sometimes seem improbable that we will be able to find rest.  And yet, we are promised that if we will...

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#248 Lessons from the First Year of Our Second Marriage

Sione and I just celebrated our first anniversary.  Second marriages have a 67% divorce rate, and because that's not a space either of us in interested in, we have made some pretty intentional...

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#247 The Value in Knowing Our Value

Recognizing the value and worth of all people, knowing that there is no spectrum of value, opens us up to feeling more compassion and empathy and acceptance of others.  When we can recognize...

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