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Intentional Living

The Podcast

#18 Overwhelm

All of us find ourselves in a place of overwhelm at times.  Today we're discussing how to get out of it, and how to keep from going there as often and as deep.

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#17 Goaling

Setting and accomplishing goals is one of the hallmarks of all successful people.  Today we're discussing five of the biggest mistakes we can make when setting goals, and how to combat them.

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#16 Inner Circle

Who are the people you trust to be in your inner circle?  These are the friends who are closest to you, who know your hopes and dreams and fears, and with whom you can be most vulnerable....

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#15 Forgiveness & Trust

For most of my life I believed the adage "forgive and forget", and in so doing, I thought that if I forgave someone I also had to trust them.  Not so!  Forgiveness and trust are not the...

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#14 Nice and Kind

Being nice and being kind -- they're not the same thing.  Join me today as we discover why it's so much better to be kind than to be nice.

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#13 Being Content

So many of us live our lives in such an unsettled place.  We don't feel we're good enough, or strong enough, or beautiful enough.  We really struggle to accept ourselves for who we are,...

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#12 Mindset

Do you have a growth or a fixed mindset?  And why would it matter? Based off of Carol Dweck's phenomenal book "Mindset", today we are discussing what the difference is between a growth and a...

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#11 I am enough

Our self-worth is not something we build up, but rather something we discover.  Each of us is a person of worth just because we are -- just because we are human.  Discovering that we are...

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#10 Unconditional Love

Unconditional love is perhaps the biggest secret to truly being happy and content in life, and it's probably not what you think!  Join me today as we discuss what unconditional love is, what...

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#9 Boundaries Part 3

In the last two episodes we discussed what boundaries are and why they are so important.  In this episode we will talk about 9 steps we can take to implement healthier boundaries into our...

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#8 Boundaries Part 2

So much more to say about Boundaries!  We'll discuss even more about why boundaries are so important for healthy and intimate relationships and look more in-depth at why we often struggle so...

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#7 Boundaries Part 1

Boundaries are so important for strong and healthy relationships. In this episode we will explore what it means to have healthy boundaries and why they are so important.

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