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Intentional Living

The Podcast

#149 The Importance of Discomfort

Why would we want to allow ourselves to feel uncomfortable emotions? Because discomfort is the price we pay for growth and progression. When we avoid uncomfortable emotions, we are keeping...

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#148 Grace & Grudges in Our Relationships

Sometimes in our closest relationships, it can be very easy to hold a grudge rather than extend grace.  But to truly develop the connection that we desire in our relationships, it is...

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#147 Hijacked By Your Emotions

When was the last time your emotions came on so strong and powerful that you felt out of control? All of us have times that our response is way bigger than is warranted by the circumstance. Today...

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#146 Emotional Spring Cleaning

Spring always feels like the perfect time to clean out some closets and cabinets.  We get rid of things that are no longer needed in our lives in order to make space for things that will serve...

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#145 How to Get What You Want

Do you ever feel like you work towards getting what you want and then get exhausted and quit? Whether it's weight loss, business or education goals, relationship goals, we can only change our...

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#144 Happy Being Unhappy

Challenges, struggles, and trials are just a part of God's plan for our life here on earth. When we can embrace this concept rather than believing that we should be happy all the time, we can find...

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#143 Stuck in Perfectionism

Perfectionism has, at time, been hailed as a really great thing.  And I'm sure it is. . . at some point in the far distant future!  Having perfectionist tendencies at this stage in our...

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#142 Pay Attention

What would you be willing to pay on Amazon for a happier, more connected relationship? What would you be willing to pay for more confidence? More fulfillment? More engagement with your life? Would...

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#141 Coaching & Counseling. What's the Difference?

A question I get asked a lot is, "What's the difference between coaching and counseling?"  Today, we'll discuss the differences, the similarities, and when you would enlist the services of...

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#140 Still Being A Martyr

Very few of us will want to admit that we sometimes lean toward martyr behavior, but I believe a lot of us exhibit it from time to time, and it's destroying our relationship with ourself and with...

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#139 Being a Martyr

I believe that most of us, at one time or another, have relished in being a martyr. The fascinating thing is, we often do it as a desperate cry to be seen and heard, and what we create is everyone...

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#138 Intuitive Eating with Wendy Lee Johnson

If you're someone who has constantly been in the "my weight is not what it should be" mindset, you will love this podcast.  My good friend, and fellow coach, Wendy Lee Johnson will walk you...

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