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Intentional Living

The Podcast

#205 Greatest Hits - How to Coach Yourself

So today we go into detail about how to coach yourself.  We will discover how to decide what the circumstance is, and what your thoughts are.  Then we'll discuss how to fill out the...

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#204 Being a Peacemaker

Peace is a feeling that many of us wish we had more of in our lives.  But often, in seeking to make our lives more peaceful on the outside, we sabotage our inner peace.  Learning how to...

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#203 Cleaning Up Your Apology

Being willing to apologize is an important part of healthy relationships.  But when our reasons for apologizing are not so clean, it can sometimes do more damage than if we don't apologize....

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#202 Pain, Peace, and Parenting Disengaged Adult Children

Did you have the dream that when your children became adults you would have this wonderful friendship going on? Me too. But sometimes reality means that we have children disengage and decide they...

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#201 The Tolerable Life

Have you ever wondered how you ended up in the life you're in?  You used to have all of these dreams and desires and now you just feel a bit unfulfilled and not sure how to jumpstart your...

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#200 My Most Life-Changing Life Coaching Lessons

A milestone like 200 episodes always seems to make me reflective.  I feel that since diving into life coaching the last three years, my growth game has been so huge, and these are some of the...

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#199 The Power To Be

It can be really easy to get bogged down in our to-do lists, and some of us make list after list after list of things we want to do. I want to offer to you today the idea of creating a to-be list....

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#198 My Last 90 Day Relationship

Last year I decided I was ready to get married.  Not because I thought it would make me happier, or a better or more worthy person, but because I really wanted to have the experience of...

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#197 Connecting Through Conflict

Conflict often gets such a bad rap. So, today I'm discussing how we can look at conflict completely different, as neutral, as people having different opinions and ideas, and how we can turn this...

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#196 How to Break the Blame/Defense Cycle

We've all been there.  Someone blames and the other person gets defensive, and around and around we go.  We breed contention, when what we're really after in our relationships is...

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#195 What Are You Sorry For?

'I'm sorry' is probably one of the most used phrases by women in our society.  We have been conditioned to use this phrase not just when we have done something hurtful or wrong, but very often...

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#194 When You Feel Sad, or Bad, or Mad

Some of the emotions we experience in life do not feel good.  Not even a little bit.  But actually feeling and processing these emotions allows us to move through them and into a...

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