Intentional Living
The Podcast
Many of us in middle-age have lost touch with what we really want in life. We've forgotten about our desires and our dreams, our wants and our wishes. Learning to tap into these again, or for the...
Do you have a tough time accepting compliments? You're not alone. Today we're going to work on understanding why it can be so difficult and how to learn to accept them more graciously. It's such a...
I've heard this phrase so many times throughout my life. In fact, I'm sure I've used it more than once. And today it's time to take a look at how this thought, and others like it, are not serving...
Our relationships are being destroyed by our imaginations. When we struggle to accept people as they are and live in the land of 'should' by expecting them to be something they're not, we are...
Have you ever seen someone do or say something that just shocked you and you thought, "I would never act that way", or "I would never say something like that." If so, you're not alone....
Our desire to control all the things - the people, the situations, the how's, when's, why's, and where's - is destroying our lives. It comes packaged in cute phrases akin to,"I just want you...
You know who I'm talking about. Those people who push your buttons, who are so challenging to love, and who make you question yourself. Today I will give you the tools to know how to...
I recently completed what is called a 90-day relationship - a predetermined time for a relationship in which you commit to intentionally create a healthy partnership and work through all of the...
Sometimes our relationships can tend to get a little shallow. Specifically I notice my relationship with God, with myself, and with others can all struggle at times. That's because relationships...
Just because you're single doesn't mean you have to be lonely. Lonely is a feeling caused by our thoughts, when we learn to be more intentional about our thoughts, we will be more fulfilled...
The first time we realize that our brain consistently lies to us, it can seem a little strange. I think we have this underlying belief that our brain processes and figures things out and...
All of us engage in dysfunctional behavior, unhealthy patterns of behavior that create disconnection. Sometimes we're completely unaware of the dysfunction, but other times we intentionally...