Intentional Living
The Podcast
Alright, My Sweet Lady Friends, let's have a chat. What do you want? Do you know? Some of us don't. If you do know, do you let people around you know what you want?...
Want to be happier and more content in your life? Numerous studies point to gratitude as a major player in creating what you're after. And where can we find gratitude? In our...
I believe that one of the most damaging things we can do in our lives is to play small. As women, we often feel this person inside of us wanting so desperately to come out and impact the...
What is it about other people's opinions and criticisms that can make us feel hurt or insecure or good? Actually, nothing. Their opinions and criticisms are just neutral circumstances....
Growing up is such an amazing journey. I feel that this stage in our lives is perfect for putting all of the pieces together, discovering who we are and what amazing contribution we can make...
Emotional Adulthood. It's a beautiful thing when we learn how to take full responsibility for all of our emotions and stop blaming others for how we feel and for our behaviors. It can...
This is #10, the last of our concepts necessary for mental health -- money management. Our emotional relationship with our money and our stewardship over it plays a huge role in our self-respect,...
#9 on our list of mentally healthy behaviors is Time Management. Technically, it's managing ourselves within our time, and it's brilliant when we can wrap our discipline around being clear on...
#8 on our list of things we need to be mentally healthy is unconditional self-love. This one is SO IMPORTANT! When we can first, learn what it really means to have unconditional love,...
#7 on our list of important things to do to have good mental health is contribution. This refers to contributing to ourselves in order to become the best version that we can be, and then turning...
#6 on our list of mental health behaviors is self reflection and self coaching. When we become more aware of where we really are, and when we can start intentionally moving ourselves out of...
#5 on our list of good mental health indicators is internal control. This refers to our ability to take full responsibility for our feelings, realizing they come from our thoughts rather than...