Intentional Living
The Podcast
Making the transition from parenting young children over whom we have a lot of say, to parenting adult children over whom we have no say, can be a really difficult challenge for many of us....
If you're a mom, you've most likely felt this at some point in your parenting career, and it doesn't just go away when our children become adults. But let's take a closer look at what it is,...
The Thought Model is a tool I use in my life and with my clients to help them understand their feelings and actions better. Building upon last week's podcast, today we're discussing how...
Do you ever wonder why certain situations make you so happy or angry or frustrated? Do you wonder why you act the way you do or why the results in your life are what they are? The...
Who are the people who come through challenges and adversity more successful and fulfilled than they were before they experienced it? You got it. Resilient people. People who have...
What is the right path and how do we determine if we are on it? Join me today as I share with you my recent personal revelations about what I've learned about my path and the paths of others....
Feeling a deep sense of fulfillment in our lives is something that we innately crave, and yet, so many of us still struggle to get to a place where we feel we've tapped into the level of...
Have you ever noticed that sometimes your love will come with conditions? And not just conditions on the front end, but conditions on the back end as well? We often expect that when we...
It is so easy to not only blame other people for things that go wrong in our lives, but just as easy to expect people to be responsible for our happiness and for fulfilling our needs. Well,...
Divorce is traumatic, and we can carry that trauma with us for many years. And it's not just the trauma of the separation, it's also the trauma of many years of developing unhealthy coping...
What do mid-agers and teenagers have in common? A lot of angst! And for a lot of reasons you may not have considered. Join me today as we discuss how our mid-life funk correlates...
Today I get to interview my good friend and fellow life coach, Jane Copier ( Jane is an amazing coach who focuses on helping couples save their marriages. If...