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Intentional Living

The Podcast

#91 Personal Responsibility

It is so easy to not only blame other people for things that go wrong in our lives, but just as easy to expect people to be responsible for our happiness and for fulfilling our needs.  Well,...

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#90 Divorce Trauma

Divorce is traumatic, and we can carry that trauma with us for many years.  And it's not just the trauma of the separation, it's also the trauma of many years of developing unhealthy coping...

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#89 Mid-Life Teenage Angst

What do mid-agers and teenagers have in common?  A lot of angst!  And for a lot of reasons you may not have considered.  Join me today as we discuss how our mid-life funk correlates...

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#88 Marriage Mending with Jane Copier

Today I get to interview my good friend and fellow life coach, Jane Copier (  Jane is an amazing coach who focuses on helping couples save their marriages.  If...

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#87 The Law of the Lid

Why is personal growth so important?  Because our personal growth puts a lid on everything else that we engage with in our lives -- our relationships with others, God, and ourselves, as well...

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#86 Is Self-Care Being Selfish?

When is it self-care and when is it selfishness?  Good question!  But here's an important distinction.  Self-care is us taking care of our needs so that we then have the energy to...

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#85 Emotional Tones

Did you know that the actual words we speak are only 7% of our communication?  93% of what we say is communicated through the tone of our voice and our body language.  Today we're going...

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#84 Creating Energy

What is it about mid-life that makes us feel tired all of the time?  I'll tell you a secret -- some of it has to do with what you're thinking.  Today we're talking about how to create...

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#83 Self-Honesty

So many of us are just not honest with ourselves.  Not on purpose, mind you, but unconsciously our brain perpetuates lies.  At one time these lies may have kept us safe or been coping...

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#82 Courage & Fear

Did you ever think that we couldn't have courage without fear?  They really do work together.  We often think of fear as only being a negative emotion, but when we adjust our thoughts...

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#81 How To Be More Patient

Is patience your thing or not your thing?  Most of us struggle at some level with being patient.  Today we're going to discuss the reasons behind our lack of patience and how to be more...

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#80 What A Girl Wants

Alright, My Sweet Lady Friends, let's have a chat.  What do you want?  Do you know?  Some of us don't.  If you do know, do you let people around you know what you want?...

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