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Intentional Living

The Podcast

#51 The Silent Treatment

Emotional abuse is such an inside killer of so many relationships, and most of us don't even know we're engaging in it.  Giving someone the silent treatment is one of the most insidious forms...

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#50 The River of Misery

The River of Misery is the place of discomfort where all good things happen in our lives.  Growing from one form of ourselves to the upgraded version of ourselves is almost always a painful,...

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#49 Fixing Yourself

Do you ever think of yourself as a fixer-upper?  Sometimes it seems there is just so much we need to fix to get us to a healthy and happy place.  But what if we were to embrace the idea...

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#48 All You Need Is Love

So today I get a little bit personal when I tell you about a recent experience I had hurting someone's feelings and what I learned from it.  Basically, that it's all about love.  If I can...

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#47 Thoughts, Consequences, & Boundaries

This podcast is prompted by three situations this week where people have felt that they don't need to worry about the consequences of their behavior because it's the other person's responsibility...

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#46 Choosing To Love Yourself

Choosing to love yourself is one of the most important things we can do in this life.  The love we have for ourself is the impetus for all emotional health and deep peace and happiness....

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#45 Grown Up Thoughts

Isn't growing up an amazing thing?  The things I know now that I didn't know when I was younger are so great and life-changing.  Today I'm going to share six of my grown-up thoughts that...

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#44 How To Find Balance

Finding balance as our lives get busier and busier just seems to be so elusive.  So how do we live lives that don't seem to be spinning out of control?  Let's start by how we view our...

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#43 Three Degrees of Intention

The reasons behind why we do things have such a huge impact on the results in our lives.  Today we are discussing how our reasons for engaging in certain behaviors affects our relationship...

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#42 Change That Sticks

Ever wonder why sometimes changing behaviors can be so incredibly difficult?  Today we're discussing why that is and how we can work to make changes in our lives that are long-lasting.

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#41 Correcting & Connecting

Correcting and connecting.  A small difference of two little letters, a huge difference in how to get there and the results once we are there. When we seek to correct others, especially with...

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#40 The Secret to the Universe

Really?  The secret to the universe?  Yep.  Today we are talking about how to really create the kind of peaceful, content life you really want to have.  How our thoughts can...

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