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Intentional Living

The Podcast

#254 When You Feel Resentment

All of us have felt resentment at one time or another.  Resentment is one of those emotions that we call 'indulgent emotions' because it may feel good and justified, and even feel like it's...

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#226 The Best Is Yet To Come

It can be so easy to get stuck in resistance to middle-age. This can often show up with patterns of behavior that damage our relationships and keep us stuck. And yet, learning to lean into all of...

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#219 The Truth About the Struggle

I used to think that if I was doing life 'right', that I would be happy all of the time, that I wouldn't need to have challenges or trials.  I was so cute and misguided back then!  Now my...

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#217 Self-Respect and Being Wrong

Just what is the connection between self-respect and being wrong?  I'll give you a hint - it has to do with self-awareness and self-honesty.  When we are truly able to acknowledge when...

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#186 Are You Committed or Just Interested?

Three weeks into your New Years goals and you might be finding yourself waning a bit. You are so not alone! Often we think that we are committed to something when we are actually just interested in...

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#184 Excited About Middle-Age

Do you feel like you're stuck? Middle-age has come and you don't know what you want to do, how to move forward, or how to fix what you want to fix? Today we are talking about how to shift your...

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#183 Taking Risks and Becoming

Do you want to create something different in your life?  Maybe deeper relationships or more purpose?  Becoming the person we really want to be will require some risk on your part....

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#179 Being Kind To Yourself

So often we think that if we are kind to ourselves that we are letting ourselves off the hook, and that the only way to motivate ourselves is it call us out by saying harsh things. Today I want to...

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#176 Stuck In 'I Don't Know'

Have you ever paid attention to how often you use the phrase, 'I don't know'?  It seems to be a default for our brain when it doesn't want to expend the energy and the effort to figure...

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#171 Growth Is A Skill

Growth is not just a byproduct of challenges, it is also a skill to be learned. When we develop the skill of growth, over time it becomes easier and even fun, just as any skill we learn does. When...

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#167 I Didn't Sign Up For This

I've heard this phrase so many times throughout my life. In fact, I'm sure I've used it more than once. And today it's time to take a look at how this thought, and others like it, are not serving...

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#160 Being Single and Being Lonely

Just because you're single doesn't mean you have to be lonely.  Lonely is a feeling caused by our thoughts, when we learn to be more intentional about our thoughts, we will be more fulfilled...

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