Intentional Living
The Podcast
#192 Facts and Thoughts
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Learning to distinguish between the facts of our lives and the thoughts in our heads is one of the first and most valuable tools I use in life coaching. When we start to understand the...
#178 The Importance of "I"
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Although we are often taught to forget ourselves and serve others, there is one place where stepping into "I" will always serve us the best and also help us to serve others. Learning to...
#152 Victim or Hero?
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Every experience we have in our lives gets turned into a story in our brain. And in our story, we generally become either the hero or the victim (and maybe sometimes the villain!) When we choose to...
All Categories 50/50 90-day relationship abundance acceptance actions adult children adultchildren agency alignment allowing vulnerability ambitions anger apologize apologizing apology awareness become becoming behave behavior behaviors being heard being seen being vulnerable being wrong beingmotivated beingstuck beliefs benefits best life best self bestself better relationships blame blessings boundaries brain brain hack certain certainty challenge challenges change children choose love circumstance coaching commitment committed communication compassion complete compliments conditionallove confidence conflict confrontation connection connections consideringdivorce content contention contribution control controlling behaviors counseling courage createyourlife curiosity curiousity darkness dating dealing decision decisions defensive desire desires development diet dieting difficult discomfort disconnection disempowered divorce dream dreams dysfunction eating emotional emotional intimacy emotionalabuse emotionalmanipulation emotionl walls emotions empower empowered empowering empowerment energy energy-producing equal partnerships expectations facts faq fear fear-based motivation feelings fixer flaws forgive forgiveness forgivingothers friend friendsdivorce fulfilled fulfillment gaslighting getthingsdone gettingdivorced gift goals gotmotivation grace gracious gratitude growing growing up growth grudge habits handlingdivorce happiness happy healthyrelationships hero honesty hope human humanity humility imagination imperfection inner peace insecure integrity intention intimacy intuitve judge judgement judging judgment judgy kindness leave lessons life life coaching light living livinginalignment lonely love love yourself love-based motivation manage manageyourbrain manipulation manual marriage martyr martyt mid-life middle age middle-age mindset motivation moving forward moving on new year not enough obligation openness own your own pain painful parent parenting parentingadultchildren passiveaggressivebehavior patience patient patterns peace peaceful peacekeeper peacemaker people perfect perfection perfectionism perfectionist personal development personal growth personalgrowth personalpower personalvalue personalworth perspective podcast pornography possibility postcast potential prefrontalcortex pride primitive brain primitivebrain processing progress progression progresss purpose questions reason reasons relationship relationshipagency relationshiprules relationships resentment resistance resolutions responsibility responsibilty result results right right path risks scarcity self acceptance self care self coaching self-acceptance self-awareness self-care self-coaching self-compassion self-confidence self-honesty self-love self-respect self-talk self-worth selfcompassion selflove single small tasks solutions sorry speaking up spiritual standing up startresponding stopreacting strenghts strength struggle struggles struggling stuck submission suffering teenagers teens therapy therealyou thinking thought download thought model thought work thoughtfulresponding thoughts thriving tolerate trials trust uncertainty unconditional unconditionallove unhappiness unique unstuck up-level value values victim villian vulnerabile relationships vulnerability vulnerable marriage vulnerable relationships wants weakness weaknesses weight well-being wendy why will power wishes works worth worthy wrong wrong path