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Intentional Living

The Podcast

#213 Thriving Post Divorce - An Interview With Jody Moore

This week I had the honor of being interviewed by Jody Moore, another life coach.  In this interview, I share my top recommendations and advice for anyone going through a divorce. I show you...

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#197 Connecting Through Conflict

Conflict often gets such a bad rap. So, today I'm discussing how we can look at conflict completely different, as neutral, as people having different opinions and ideas, and how we can turn this...

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#196 How to Break the Blame/Defense Cycle

We've all been there.  Someone blames and the other person gets defensive, and around and around we go.  We breed contention, when what we're really after in our relationships is...

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#167 I Didn't Sign Up For This

I've heard this phrase so many times throughout my life. In fact, I'm sure I've used it more than once. And today it's time to take a look at how this thought, and others like it, are not serving...

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#140 Still Being A Martyr

Very few of us will want to admit that we sometimes lean toward martyr behavior, but I believe a lot of us exhibit it from time to time, and it's destroying our relationship with ourself and with...

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#134 What About Pornography?

This can be a tough topic. But we're going to chat today about pornography use from both the user and the spouse today. Both have work to do. Both get to learn how to step out of being a victim and...

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#126 Abdicating Our Emotional Responsibility

Many of us are so responsible in our lives, but have never really learned how to be emotionally responsible. We continue to blame other people for our feelings, giving others the credit for us...

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#118 100% Responsibility

Taking 100% responsibility for our lives is one of the most important things we can do to grow and progress.  And yet, it can be so difficult to do when we have behaviors that hold us back...

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#91 Personal Responsibility

It is so easy to not only blame other people for things that go wrong in our lives, but just as easy to expect people to be responsible for our happiness and for fulfilling our needs.  Well,...

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